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Workspace file (workspace.yaml) reference


This reference is only applicable to Dagster OSS. For Dagster+, see the Dagster+ code locations documentation.

A workspace file is used to configure code locations in Dagster. It tells Dagster where to find your code and how to load it. By default, this is a YAML document named workspace.yaml. For example:

# workspace.yaml

- python_file:

Each entry in a workspace file is considered a code location. A code location should contain a single Definitions object.

Each code location is loaded in its own process that Dagster tools use an RPC protocol to communicate with. This process separation allows multiple code locations in different environments to be loaded independently, and ensures that errors in user code can't impact Dagster system code.

Migrating from @repository to Definitions

To accommodate incrementally migrating from @repository to Definitions, code locations in a single workspace file can mix and match between definition approaches. For example, code-location-1 could load a single Definitions object from a file or module, and code-location-2 could load multiple repositories.

Location of workspace.yaml

Dagster command-line tools (like dagster dev, dagster-webserver, or dagster-daemon run) look for workspace files in the current directory when invoked. This allows you to launch from that directory without the need for command line arguments

To load the workspace.yaml file from a different folder, use the -w argument:

dagster dev -w path/to/workspace.yaml

File structure

The workspace.yaml file uses the following structure:

- <loading_method>:

Where <loading_method> can be one of:

  • python_file
  • python_module
  • grpc_server

Loading code locations

We recommend loading from a Python module for most cases.


Each code location is loaded in its own process.

Python module

To load a code location from a local or installed Python module, use the python_module key in workspace.yaml.


  • module_name: Name of the Python module to load.
  • Other options are the same as python_file.


- python_module:
module_name: hello_world_module.definitions

Python file

To load a code location from a Python file, use the python_file key in workspace.yaml. The value of python_file should specify a path relative to workspace.yaml leading to a file that contains a code location definition.


  • relative_path: Path to the Python file, relative to the workspace.yaml location.
  • attribute (optional): Name of a specific repository or function returning a RepositoryDefinition.
  • working_directory (optional): Custom working directory for relative imports.
  • executable_path (optional): Path to a specific Python executable.
  • location_name (optional): Custom name for the code location.


- python_file:
attribute: hello_world_repository
working_directory: my_working_directory/
executable_path: venvs/path/to/python
location_name: my_location
Using @repository

If using @repository to define code locations, you can identify a single repository within the module using the attribute key. The value of this key must be the name of a repository or the name of a function that returns a RepositoryDefinition. For example:

# workspace.yaml

- python_file:
attribute: hello_world_repository

gRPC server

Configures a gRPC server as a code location.


  • host: The host address of the gRPC server.
  • port: The port number of the gRPC server.
  • location_name: Custom name for the code location.


- grpc_server:
host: localhost
port: 4266
location_name: "my_grpc_server"

Multiple code locations

You can define multiple code locations in a single workspace.yaml file:

- python_file:
relative_path: path/to/
location_name: dataengineering_spark_team_py_38_virtual_env
executable_path: venvs/path/to/dataengineering_spark_team/bin/python
- python_file:
relative_path: path/to/
location_name: ml_team_py_36_virtual_env
executable_path: venvs/path/to/ml_tensorflow/bin/python

Loading workspace files

By default, Dagster command-line tools (like dagster dev, dagster-webserver, or dagster-daemon run) look for workspace files (by default, workspace.yaml) in the current directory when invoked. This allows you to launch from that directory without the need for command line arguments:

dagster dev

To load the workspace.yaml file from a different folder, use the -w argument:

dagster dev -w path/to/workspace.yaml

When dagster dev is run, Dagster will load all the code locations defined by the workspace file. For more information and examples, see the CLI reference.

If a code location can't be loaded - for example, due to a syntax error or other unrecoverable error - a warning message will display in the Dagster UI. You'll be directed to a status page with a descriptive error and stack trace for any locations Dagster was unable to load.


If a code location is renamed or its configuration in a workspace file is modified, you must stop and restart any running schedules or sensors in that code location. You can do this in the UI by navigating to the Deployment overview page, clicking a code location, and using the Schedules and Sensors tabs.

Running your own gRPC server

By default, Dagster tools automatically create a process on your local machine for each of your code locations. However, it's also possible to run your own gRPC server that's responsible for serving information about your code locations. This can be useful in more complex system architectures that deploy user code separately from the Dagster webserver.

Initializing the server

To initialize the Dagster gRPC server, run the dagster api grpc command and include:

  • A target file or module. Similar to a workspace file, the target can either be a Python file or module.
  • Host address
  • Port or socket

The following tabs demonstrate some common ways to initialize a gRPC server:

Running on a port, using a Python file:

dagster api grpc --python-file /path/to/ --host --port 4266

Running on a socket, using a Python file:

dagster api grpc --python-file /path/to/ --host --socket /path/to/socket

Refer to the API docs for the full list of options that can be set when running a new gRPC server.

Then, in your workspace file, configure a new gRPC server code location to load:

# workspace.yaml

- grpc_server:
host: localhost
port: 4266
location_name: "my_grpc_server"

Specifying a Docker image

When running your own gRPC server within a container, you can tell the webserver that any runs launched from a code location should be launched in a container with that same image.

To do this, set the DAGSTER_CURRENT_IMAGE environment variable to the name of the image before starting the server. After setting this environment variable for your server, the image should be listed alongside the code location on the Status page in the UI.

This image will only be used by run launchers and executors that expect to use Docker images (like the DockerRunLauncher, K8sRunLauncher, docker_executor, or k8s_job_executor).

If you're using the built-in Helm chart, this environment variable is automatically set on each of your gRPC servers.


Loading relative imports

By default, code is loaded with dagster-webserver's working directory as the base path to resolve any local imports in your code. Using the working_directory key, you can specify a custom working directory for relative imports. For example:

# workspace.yaml

- python_file:
working_directory: my_working_directory/

You can see a working example of a Dagster project that has multiple code locations in our cloud-examples/multi-location-project repo.