Using Jupyter notebooks with Papermill and Dagster
In this tutorial, we'll walk you through integrating a Jupyter notebook with Dagster using an example project. Before we get started, let's cover some common approaches to writing and integrating Jupyter notebooks with Dagster:
Doing standalone development in a Jupyter notebook. You could then create two Dagster assets: one for the notebook itself and another for data-fetching logic. This approach, which we'll use to start the tutorial, allows you to configure existing notebooks to work with Dagster.
Using existing Dagster assets as input to notebooks. If the data you want to analyze is already a Dagster asset, you can directly load the asset's value into the notebook. When the notebook is complete, you can create a Dagster asset for the notebook and factor any data-fetching logic into a second asset, if applicable. This approach allows you to develop new notebooks that work with assets that are already a part of your Dagster project.
By the end of this tutorial, you will:
- Explore a Jupyter notebook that fetches and explores a dataset
- Create a Dagster asset from the notebook
- Create a second Dagster asset that only fetches the dataset
- Load existing Dagster assets into a new Jupyter notebook